Key Points This film takes place in a stereotypical "ghetto" area in a dominantly Black, American neighbourhood. From this, the audience can already paint the rest of the picture and make accurate assumptions about the characters. For example, when we learn that the primary character, Chiron, is gay, it creates an instant feeling of worry and concern as the audience are already aware of the negative and hateful views towards homosexuality in this specific type of community. Focusing on Chiron, we can point out his deliberate use of body language, speech, and facial expressions around others to learn more about and unwind his character. Chiron's closed body language, his tendency to keep to himself, his blunt (almost miserable) facial expression and his lack of / minimal use of speech reflects on his closed off, distant character. In fact, these factors do not change up until the very end of the movie, making it very difficult for the audience to form a mutual connect...