Summer project 2018
Title: Caught on camera Tagline: ‘Watch what u film” “It’s saved in your phone” Genre: The genre of my trailer is going to be a horror I choose horror because I feel like I can show my creativity through it and play around with the genre and and it will give me a chance to add a variety of scenes without following a specific narrative Logline – one sentence that sums up the film and hooks people in (25 words or fewer): A group of friends decide to become vloggers and end up catching a supernatural presence they carry on to hunt the unknown to achieve views until they start to get hunted Other successful films that are similar to yours: The Conjuring 2 In 1977 two paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren, travel to Enfield where they meet Peggy Hodgson. Peggy is a mother of four and tells the couple that there is something evil in her home. Ed and Lorraine believe her when Peggy’s daughter starts to show signs o...