Sound video and feedback
feedback from others: Good use of clips. Good use of parallel sounds. Significant example of contrapuntal sound and parallel sound and sound bridge music overlapping in other scenes was used. The sound track perfectly matched the pace of the video. You had a range of different clips from different genres to show contrapuntal sound as well as parallel sound. Good transitions throughout the video. Music was parallel at the end. The contrapuntal scene matched the pace of the video. Good transitions made it smooth. The music contrasted with the horror scenes and it went well with the sad scenes. A good sound bridge was used in the video. Good use of contrapuntal at the beginning which transitions to parallel. There was a variety of genres which included contrapuntal sound in the video. Good contrapuntal scene, but could be parallel. Sound bridge from one sequence to the other. Montage of crying faces and variety of genres such as parallel, shows how much effect...