Learner response


www: one good thing about this video is that it was edited very well, it ran smooth and went well with the music.
Another good thing with this video is the camera movement at the end where the person being filmed had a close up of their face.
This video also have a good pace, neither too fast or too slow.
In addition to this the make up in the shoot is very good, where one side is glamorous and the other is gory

ebi: One thing to improve about this video is the fact the use of lighting was not as effective as it should have been as no front lights we used.
Another thing to improve is try different things when editing such as slowing bits down rather than speeding the whole thing up.


WWW: The music choice suits the pace of the video, the make-up looks realistic and the video clearly displays the transformation.

EBI: The video jumps straight into the transformation without any introduction of what the video is. Also there is no 100 word explanation, meaning that people who view your blog won’t really know what this is or what you are transforming the subject into. Furthermore, the close up at the end is slightly out of focus, this reduces the quality of the video.


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