film industry: A field in England
1) Write a 100 word summary of the Media Magazine article. The article discusses the importance of the distribution method of a film when it comes to generating revenue and an audience. It is a complex process that requires a lot of work through research and creativity, even after the film has been released. This industry of distribution is dominated by Hollywood- " The top 10 distributors had a 95% share of the market in 2012", revealing the fact that it is extremely difficult for new, unknown films to be distributed and even make any profit. A Field in England is an excellent example of a film that tried to go against the rules of distribution. The film cost £300K to make and it had a unique distribution method. It was released simultaneously (on the same day) on to multiple platforms- VOD (4OD and iTunes), free broadcast TV (Film4), DVD, BluRay and cinema (17 Picturehouse venues). This distribution method allowed A Field in England to generate a total audience...