Film regulation and the BBFC

1) Research the BBFC in more detail: what is the institution responsible for? How is it funded? What link does it have to government?

The British Board of Film Censors was set up in 1912 by the film industry as an independent body to bring a degree of uniformity to the classification of film nationally.This act stated that, subject to certain exemptions, video recordings offered for sale or hire commercially in the UK must be classified by an authority designated by the Secretary of State.The BBFC is a not for profit organisation, and its fees are adjusted only to cover its costs. In order to preserve its independence, the BBFC never receives subsidies from either the film industry or the government.

2) Read this BBFC guide to how films are rated. Summarise the process in 50 words.

The Board’s age ratings decisions are reached by consensus, with the Chief Executive, the President and the two Vice-Presidents taking ultimate responsibility.Many films and DVDs are submitted in foreign languages (notably Hindi and other South Asian languages) and Compliance Officers with linguistic skills are programmed to view these works. Where the work is in a language not spoken by any of the Compliance Officers and there are no subtitles, the BBFC will use an interpreter who will sit alongside the team.

3) Read this BBFC outline of the issues faced when classifying a film. Summarise the debate in 50 words.

The BBfC outlines that works should be allowed to reach the widest audience that is appropriate for their theme and treatment, and adults should, as far as possible, be free to choose what they see, provided that it remains within the law and is not potentially harmful. Alongside considering the relevant legislation, the main age rating issues that need to be taken into account includes violence, sex, sexual violence, drugs, horror, imitable behaviour, discrimination and language.

4) Read this BBFC section on controversial decisions. Why did The Dark Knight generate a large amount of media coverage regarding its certificate? Do you agree with the 12A certificate The Dark Knight was awarded?

The dark night was generated a large amount of media coverage as its original target audience was kids, however in this particular movie there was a lot of mature scenes which were not seemed suitable for kids therefore, lots of people complained about the age rating.

5) What are the guidelines for a 15 certificate?

  • The work as a whole must not contain discriminatory language or behaviour
  • The film must not encourage drug use
  • Dangerous behaviour (such as suicide) must not be shown in too much detail
  • There can be strong language
  •  There may be nudity in a sexual context but usually without strong detail.
  • Sexual activity may be portrayed, but usually without strong detail.
  • There may be strong threat and horror but not in a sexual context.
  • Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.

6) The BBFC website offers an explanation of every classification it makes and detailed case studies on selected titles. Look at the rating for Chicken and explain why it was given a 15 certificate.

It was given a 15 due to the strong language used by the older brother. There is also a strong violent scene where Richard ends up bloody and injured. Furthermore, there is reference to incense and child abuse.  


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