New script
A montage of a group of friends- (VOICEOVER)
A close up of a group of friends walking together and smiling outside.
A pan shot of the same group of friends smiling and talking
EXT. Living room/common room
A medium shot of one the character from the group (katia) is sitting on a sofa, all characters give her, her birthday gift one by one.
Katia: why u filming this? (laughing)
Person holding camera: to keep memories safe
Each character while going up: this is for you(smiling)
Katia: why are all the gift wrappers the same.(laughing)
All laugh
One character:Because cameron wrapped all of them
A close up shot of katia sitting on the sofa, the camera only showing her side profile. She is shown opening her presents, the light is dim only two people in this shot.
Katia: Ooo i really like this one
Camera holder: show me...the colours are so nice.
Katia opens up another present and take out an old looking book.
katia:(Looking confused) what’s this? She flips the book both sides and goes through it
Camera holder:let me see
The camera holder is fixing the camera another friends voice can be heard the camera pans up and shows katia walking in
Katia walks into the common room (furious) throws the book on the table . while everyone is talking and seated around the table.
Katia: this is a weird book talking about exorcism and stuff which one of u who gave it to me
Everyone looks confuse
One character: it wasn't me
Other character: or me
Katia: well who ever did i don’t want it. (throws book on the table)
Everyone looks at one another
Cameron: Fine,I’ll take it
Their is close up of the book lying down on the bed, cameron see’s it and then picks it up to read.
Cameron is lying down in bed reading the book, the room is brightly lit, he turns a page, there is a loud pounding at the door. He goes down opens the door no ones there. He closes the door. There’s pounding at the door again he opens up the but still no ones there he shuts the door instantly.
He comes back upstairs in his room the book is in a different place than before.
Cameron is staring off into the distance. A character comes up and asks if he’s alright.
Cameron is hidden underneath the blanket and whisperings in the background can be heard.
He seems terrified.
Character:Cameron you alright?
High angle shot of cameron lowering the sheetins half of his face can be seen he stares up with wide eyes.
End of flashback
Cameron: I’m fine. I’ve got to go to lessons
EXT. Benches outside the canteen
Group of friends sitting down
Character 1: he’s been acting so strange lately
Cameron is shown shutting all his windows and doors.
Character 2 : maybe he’s just stressed about school.
Cameron is sitting opposite on a table in a cafe.
Cameron:I haven’t slept in days, i hear whisperings all the time...
Cameron shown screaming and dashing the book out of his house
Cameron (voice over): Its that book all happened after I started reading the book.
Cameron comes back inside the book is placed opened on his desk. The camera zooms in on the book and the music gets louder.
End of flashback / voiceover.
Character: what whispering?
Cameron: I can hear them right now. (loud music)
EXT. CAMERON’S BEDROOM (fast pace editing)
- The camera follows the phone ringing the speakers going off and the toilet door instantly shutting.
- Cameron is shown quickly putting the book in someone else’s bag
- Cameron is shown hiding his face and rocking back and forth.
- A shut door pounding on the other side can be heard and screaming
- Blanket is shown being snatched of a character laying in bed
- Dark room, the flash is, the camera is looking around heavy breathing can be heard, a hand comes out from underneath and grabs the character.
- A high angle view of the book in the middle of the table.
- Katia looks up in the mirror while doing her makeup and sees a figure behind her
There are 3 characters in the kitchen cooking. There is a knock at the door the camera holder goes to open the door cameron is standing at the door the camera holder runs back inside and cameron is inside but the cameron at the door has disappeared.
EXT.Cameron’s/katia's house
The character is standing near the light switch to turn it on only for it to turn off again. A character appears in the dark every time.
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